12th of March is National Girl Scout Day!
12th of March is National Girl Scout Day!
With their smiles, their adorable little outfits, their delicious cookies, their pledge to “be ready to help out wherever they are needed”—what’s not to love about Girl Scouts?
According to Days of the Year (https://www.daysoftheyear.com/) since Girl Scouts came into existence in 1912 when a woman named Juliette “Daisy” Gordon Low organized the first-ever Girl Scout meeting in Savannah, Georgia, with just 18 girls from the surrounding area, t has been an organization run by women, for women, and over a hundred years after its creation, it has grown to 3.7 million members worldwide. Low had spent considerable time thinking about what could be done to help young women get outdoors and become more independent, self-reliant and resourceful so they could become better citizens in the future. It has been estimated that, since its inception, 50 million girls and women have been a member of the organization. Membership is organized by age, and there are different activities available at each level, all suited to the individual needs of each age group.
Girl Scout Day is the perfect day to pay homage to all that Juliette Gordon Low did for millions of girls the world over. Seeing as how Low’s goal was to help girls become more independent, this is the perfect day to take the opportunity to teach an important little girl you know something important and useful, something that will help her become less reliant on others and have more confidence in herself, her skills and abilities.
Celebrate this day with a glass of Girl Scout Cookie Cocktail. Here’s the recipe:
1/2 ounce coffee liqueur
1/2 ounce Irish cream liqueur
1/2 ounce peppermint schnapps
Gather the ingredients.
Pour the liqueurs into an ice-filled cocktail shaker.
Shake well.
Strain into a shot glass.
Serve and enjoy!
The Girl Scout Cookie cocktail is just as popular as the little treats that inspired it whether it is as a party shot or a smooth and creamy sipper. It isn't one of those shooters that will knock you to the floor since it’s gentle and it tastes great.
What’s even nicer is that we have well-trained and highly experienced bartenders who can make this drink for you!